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Hints on Preservation

Paul Schlotthauer

Don’t store articles of clothing by hanging them up. Over time, gravity will pull on the seams and separate them, especially if the garment is heavy, such as a satin wedding gown. Instead, fold it (buffered tissue paper can be used to minimize creases) and store it in an archival-quality box. If you must use a box made of chemically active materials such as wood or plastic, line the interior with a protective barrier such as heavy-duty aluminum foil. Don’t use plastic bags or tightly sealed containers to store textiles, as these can generate high humidity that will result in mildew. Clean the fabric by vacuuming. If the article is large or sturdy, you can vacuum with an up-and-down motion through a sheet of flexible plastic screening (lift, don’t drag, the nozzle). For more fragile items, gently dust with a soft brush directly into the nozzle of the vacuum.

Heritage Preservation is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to preserving the cultural heritage of the United States. By identifying risks, developing innovative programs, and providing broad public access to expert advice, Heritage Preservation assists museums, libraries, archives, historic preservation, and other organizations, as well as individuals, in caring for our endangered heritage. 1012 14th St. NW, Suite 1200 Washington, DC 20005 (202) 233-0800
     New publication (non-member regular price: $24.95, member regular price: $18.00: A team of top museum professionals, assembled by Heritage Preservation, provide practical advice and easy-to-use guidelines on: how to polish silver and furniture without diminishing their value; how to preserve a wedding dress for future generations; the safest materials and procedures for creating a scrapbook that will last; how to care for a photograph album that is deteriorating; creating safe display conditions for ceramics, dolls, quilts, or other treasured collections; and much more.

Paul Schlotthauer has been an archivist and librarian at the New York Public Library for the Performing Arts, Teachers College at Columbia University, and the Queens Borough Public Library. He is currently the archivist of Pratt Institute and lives in New York City. He will also be providing two short articles for the March issue of the Newsletter: how to relax paper (so that it can be unfolded) and how to remove the musty smell from old books easily and safely.

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November 13, 2010
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